How to get married at the SF City Hall
Step by step
Pay attention to the opening hours! San Francisco City Hall does not work on weekends, and on weekdays it opens at 8 am and works until 5 pm. The best time to shoot is 8 am, so most likely you will be the only couple and other people will not interfere with the photoshoot.
Public Civil Ceremony
Time: Every half hour, Monday through Friday between 9:00 am – 3:30 pm
Check-in: Ten minutes before your ceremony reservation, at the Information Desk in Room 168
Location: Rotunda
You need: Witness, marriage license, valid IDs for both of you.
For the wedding itself under California law, you need at least one witness. City Hall provides an officiant for public and civil ceremonies. And I can be your witness and photographer
Parking in the area is a challenge. I recommend using only guarded parking lots, SF City Hall located not in the safe area. For example Performing Arts Garage - Lot #201 (360 Grove St, San Francisco, CA 94102), I myself always use this parking lot.